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po 17:30 - 19:00
st  17:30 - 19:00

pá  17:00 - 19:00


čt  17:30 - 19:30

Contact us for more information.

Podporují nás:

se spolupodílí na financování činnosti našeho oddílu.
Z finančních prostředků Jihočeského kraje je hrazeno startovné a cestovné na ME, MS, MČR, NP.

Už dlouho nás něco tak obrovský nebavilo. Konečně máme něco, co můžeme dělat společně a hlavně v partě super lidí. Na každý trénink se neskutečně těšíme a ten pocit pak....k nezaplacení. Takže velké díky trenérům. Zuzka, Petr a Patrik

About club

The karatedo club Tsunami Prachatice is led by qualified instructors of JKA. The karate club is focusing on teaching all types of JKA. The club is devided into five sections as it follows.

Budo preparing section
is focused on movement activities of the youth among 7 – 14 years. The main goal is general preparation for the lessons of karate JKA.

Campaign of the beginners
is for those who are interested in the lessons of karatedo JKA at the age of 14 – 20 years. To this section are choosen also the most successful persons of the budo preparing section. The campaign is finished by an exame of technical level of karate JKA and the members come to the basic section of the club.

The basic section
is aimed mainly on the sport types of karate JKA when the training focuses on the technical levels. All members have a chance to verify their abilities in competitions held by JKA karate.

In competition deals
with the physical and mental training persons are chosen from the basic section according to their training and sport results. They represent the club at the national and international tournaments and competitions.

Karate for life
is mainly for persons over 20 years, when the training is aimed at physical and psychic condition, at improving the body flexibility, mainly to prevent back aches – stretching, learning the basic principles of self-defence, behaviour in nonstandart situations, understanding the system JKA karatedo. In this case it is lesson of martial arts without stress on sport.

Club history

Karatedo Club Tsunami Prachatice was founded in 2003 and one year later was officially accepted and became a member of JKA Czech republic.

The goal of the club was according to it is founder Mr.Zapomel and Mr.Havlík to continue in the long tradition which reaches back to the 1977, when the karate club was founded together with judo club Tatran Prachatice. Until the end of 80s of the last century the karate club was owing to it is success and wide member base one of the most successfuly sport clubs. It was mainly due to MuDr. Krpoun, Mr. Petrek and Mr. Vucenovic who devotet their enthusiasm and all their free time to keep the club at the professional level more than 25 years and we owe them big thanks for that.

Gasshuku Czech Republic

The most successful year for the karatedo club Tsunami Prachatice was 2005 when with the help of JKA Czech republic and the town of Prachatice with its mayor Mr. Bauer hold the first international JKA karate courses in history of JKA Czech republic which was led by the Japanese international instructors Mr. Ochi, Mr. Sugimura and Mr. Akita – Gasshuku Czech republic.