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po 17:30 - 19:00
st  17:30 - 19:00

pá  17:00 - 19:00


čt  17:30 - 19:30

Contact us for more information.

Podporují nás:

se spolupodílí na financování činnosti našeho oddílu.
Z finančních prostředků Jihočeského kraje je hrazeno startovné a cestovné na ME, MS, MČR, NP.

Už dlouho nás něco tak obrovský nebavilo. Konečně máme něco, co můžeme dělat společně a hlavně v partě super lidí. Na každý trénink se neskutečně těšíme a ten pocit pak....k nezaplacení. Takže velké díky trenérům. Zuzka, Petr a Patrik

Instructorial seminar, Bruxelles, Belgium

An instructorial seminar, taking place in Bruxelles, Belgium, on June 10-12 2005, has been organized by European Organization of JKA. Mr. Ochi, Mr. Ueki and Mr. Tanaka became instructors and examining commissioners. All three gentlemen are holders of 8th DAN JKA Karate and are members of shinkai World Federation.

As a part of the seminar there were exams allowing the participants to obtain international license as an instructor, referee or examining commissioner. Czech Republic had of course also its representatives at this prestigious event, namely Mr. Strnad as a president of the association, Mr. Carlson, Bily, Stekly, Fencl and last but not least the member of our team Mr. David Havlik. All gentlemen took part in the seminar to obtain the licence – international instructor. It is necessary to point out that despite of challenging theoretical and practical tests all representatives of our association succeeded and became holders of international license instructor JKA WF “D”