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po 17:30 - 19:00
st  17:30 - 19:00


út  17:30 - 19:00

čt  17:00 - 18:30

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Podporují nás:

se spolupodílí na financování činnosti našeho oddílu.
Z finančních prostředků Jihočeského kraje je hrazeno startovné a cestovné na ME, MS, MČR, NP.

Už dlouho nás něco tak obrovský nebavilo. Konečně máme něco, co můžeme dělat společně a hlavně v partě super lidí. Na každý trénink se neskutečně těšíme a ten pocit pak....k nezaplacení. Takže velké díky trenérům. Zuzka, Petr a Patrik

World championship JKA Karate 2004, Tokyo, Japan

As mentioned somewhere else, year 2004 became one of top periods for Karatedo Tsunami Prachatice team. Not even the team took part in European Championship in Prague, but it had its representative even at World Championship of Juniors and Seniors at Tokyo, Japan.

The club has been represented by Mr. David Havlík in the country that gave to the world the art of the fight with empty hand – KARATE. All happened thanks to the performance of mentioned representative during European Championship, where he was chosen as a representative of Czech Union JKA by Technical Director of European JKA shihan Bura. And that is why he traveled to the country of rising sun to successfully carry out examination and become international instructor. He could then take a place at fights for the world championship as a referee. And it is proved he did his job well. He was nominated as a main referee on the arena until semifinals in category kumite. According to his own words, his whole performance as well as visit to Japan has been culmination of his several years long effort. He could also meet during his stay in Japan with several very important persons, for example shihan Tanaka, shihan Ohsaka or shihan Shina.